Dec 4th, 2017


Model Selection 根據問題資料型態

Cross Validation 交叉驗證



Explainable AI

Explainable AI

確認它的判斷合理(verification of the system)

改良它的算法(improvement of the system)

Explainable AI

從它身上學習(learning from the system)

  • AlphaGO

符合法規要求(compliance to legislation)

  • 歐盟 GDPR 規定使用者有「要求解釋的權力」(right to explanation)




  • Local Interpretable Model-Agnostic Explanations


  • Local Interpretable Model-Agnostic Explanations


  • Local Interpretable Model-Agnostic Explanations


  • Local Interpretable Model-Agnostic Explanations


KDD2016 paper 573




  • For each prediction to explain, permute the observation n times.
  • Let the complex model predict the outcome of all permuted observations.
  • Calculate the distance from all permutations to the original observation.
  • Convert the distance to a similarity score.



  • Select m features best describing the complex model outcome from the permuted data.
  • Fit a simple model to the permuted data, explaining the complex model outcome with the m features from the permuted data weighted by its similarity to the original observation.
  • Extract the feature weights from the simple model and use these as explanations for the complex models local behavior.


Feature Selection

  • none: Use all features for the explanation.

  • forward selection: Features are added one by one based on their improvements to a ridge regression fit of the complex model outcome.

  • highest weights: The m features with highest absolute weight in a ridge regression fit of the complex model outcome are chosen.


Feature Selection

  • lasso: The m features that are least prone to shrinkage based on the regularization path of a lasso fit of the complex model outcome is chosen.

  • tree: A tree is fitted with log2(m) splits, to use at max m features. It may possibly select less.

  • auto: Uses forward selection if m <= 6 and otherwise highest weights.




# First we'll clean up the data a bit
biopsy$ID <- NULL
biopsy <- na.omit(biopsy)
names(biopsy) <- c('clump thickness', 'uniformity of cell size', 
                   'uniformity of cell shape', 'marginal adhesion',
                   'single epithelial cell size', 'bare nuclei', 
                   'bland chromatin', 'normal nucleoli', 'mitoses',


# Now we'll fit a linear discriminant model on all but 4 cases
test_set <- sample(seq_len(nrow(biopsy)), 100)
prediction <- biopsy$class
biopsy$class <- NULL
model <- lda(biopsy[-test_set, ], prediction[-test_set])

sum(predict(model, biopsy[test_set, ])$class == prediction[test_set])/100
## [1] 0.96


# Train the explainer
explainer <- lime(biopsy[-test_set,], model, bin_continuous = TRUE, quantile_bins = FALSE)
# Use the explainer on new observations
explanation <- explain(biopsy[test_set[1:4], ], explainer, n_labels = 1, n_features = 4)
## Observations: 16
## Variables: 13
## $ model_type       <chr> "classification", "classification", "classifi...
## $ case             <chr> "416", "416", "416", "416", "7", "7", "7", "7...
## $ label            <chr> "benign", "benign", "benign", "benign", "beni...
## $ label_prob       <dbl> 0.9964864, 0.9964864, 0.9964864, 0.9964864, 0...
## $ model_r2         <dbl> 0.5659044, 0.5659044, 0.5659044, 0.5659044, 0...
## $ model_intercept  <dbl> 0.08837631, 0.08837631, 0.08837631, 0.0883763...
## $ model_prediction <dbl> 1.0244738, 1.0244738, 1.0244738, 1.0244738, 0...
## $ feature          <chr> "normal nucleoli", "bare nuclei", "uniformity...
## $ feature_value    <int> 5, 3, 3, 3, 1, 10, 1, 1, 5, 10, 10, 3, 1, 1, ...
## $ feature_weight   <dbl> -0.018041571, 0.573050022, 0.202345467, 0.178...
## $ feature_desc     <chr> "3.25 < normal nucleoli <= 5.50", "bare nucle...
## $ data             <list> [[3, 3, 2, 6, 3, 3, 3, 5, 1], [3, 3, 2, 6, 3...
## $ prediction       <list> [[0.9964864, 0.003513577], [0.9964864, 0.003...


explanation <- explain(biopsy[test_set[1:4], ], explainer, n_labels = 1, 
                       n_features = 4, kernel_width = 0.5, feature_select = "auto")
explanation[, 2:9]
##    case     label label_prob  model_r2 model_intercept model_prediction
## 1   416    benign  0.9964864 0.4804993       0.4323631        1.0029394
## 2   416    benign  0.9964864 0.4804993       0.4323631        1.0029394
## 3   416    benign  0.9964864 0.4804993       0.4323631        1.0029394
## 4   416    benign  0.9964864 0.4804993       0.4323631        1.0029394
## 5     7    benign  0.9244742 0.4680113       0.3216358        0.6370384
## 6     7    benign  0.9244742 0.4680113       0.3216358        0.6370384
## 7     7    benign  0.9244742 0.4680113       0.3216358        0.6370384
## 8     7    benign  0.9244742 0.4680113       0.3216358        0.6370384
## 9   207 malignant  0.9999911 0.6543314       0.1583423        1.0001967
## 10  207 malignant  0.9999911 0.6543314       0.1583423        1.0001967
## 11  207 malignant  0.9999911 0.6543314       0.1583423        1.0001967
## 12  207 malignant  0.9999911 0.6543314       0.1583423        1.0001967
## 13  195    benign  0.9999981 0.4631399       0.5493353        1.0047116
## 14  195    benign  0.9999981 0.4631399       0.5493353        1.0047116
## 15  195    benign  0.9999981 0.4631399       0.5493353        1.0047116
## 16  195    benign  0.9999981 0.4631399       0.5493353        1.0047116
##                     feature feature_value
## 1                   mitoses             1
## 2               bare nuclei             3
## 3           clump thickness             3
## 4   uniformity of cell size             3
## 5                   mitoses             1
## 6               bare nuclei            10
## 7           clump thickness             1
## 8   uniformity of cell size             1
## 9                   mitoses             1
## 10  uniformity of cell size            10
## 11          clump thickness            10
## 12 uniformity of cell shape             9
## 13                  mitoses             1
## 14              bare nuclei             1
## 15          clump thickness             3
## 16  uniformity of cell size             1


plot_features(explanation, ncol = 2)
